Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Dominican Soul commentary (Pt.1)


As part of the Postulancy I received a binder with various Dominican information that I am to read throughout the next 5 months prior to my entering the Novitiate. The first of these essays was entitled:
The Dominican Soul
by Fr. M. M. Philipon, OP

Tears actually fell from my face when I read this as I realised even more how called to Dominican Life I am. I have decided to write a commentary on this beautiful essay in segments (in between my normal posts)

I will first include the passage from the text, and then my comments....

A DOMINICAN SOUL is a soul of light whose rapt gaze dwells in the
inaccessible splendor wherein God conceals Himself. It lives with Him by faith, is in the company of the Three Divine Persons; a true child of God, adopted through grace into the very Family of the Trinity. The invisible world becomes familiar to it; it pursues its way on earth in intimacy with Christ, the Blessed Mother and the saints. It perceives everything in the radiance of God.

But it does not jealously guard its faith for itself. It longs to bear the torch of faith everywhere on land and sea, in every country, to the ends of the earth. This soul belongs to that race of apostles who have been prophetically designated by the Church from their earliest days as champions of the faith and true lights of the world: "Pugiles fidei et vera mundi lumina." We have here the key to the whole Dominican vocation: to live, defend and propagate the faith in the atmosphere of the Church. The Dominican soul, looking beyond the activity of secondary causes, judges men and things only in the light of God.


"A DOMINICAN SOUL is a soul of light whose rapt gaze dwells in the inaccessible splendor wherein God conceals Himself."

In nomine Patris et fillii et Spiritus Sancti---AMEN!

In this age when even Holy Mother Church is darkened by the smoke of Satan, when the infernal hordes have succeeded in forcing the heretical Novus Ordo Mass on the faithful, when the Diabolical Second Vatican Council is viewed as THE only Council that really matters "nowadays" a SOUL OF LIGHT is truly needed.

A Soul of light who dares to stand up for Christ, His Holy Mother, and His Church
A Soul of light who combats these modernist forces of darkness by "bearing the torch of faith everywhere on land and sea, in every country, to the ends of the earth."

It is said in the essay that: "The key to the whole Dominican vocation: to live, defend and propagate the faith in the atmosphere of the Church."

Of all times, in all ages, this current crisis in The Church demands action. Whom will you stand with, The Devil and his Modernist lackeys or Christ and His One True Church? It honestly is that simple. The action called upon by the Dominican Soul is one of Preaching, preaching to the whole Church if need be, but preach none the less.

What shall we preach?
We shall, like 3rd Order Dominican Saint Louis de Montfort proclaim the TRUTH with the Rosary in one hand, and the Word of God in the other. We, Dominicans will become the "apostles of the latter times" that St. Louis spoke of often.

Our Holy Father Dominic shows us the way. Let us walk with him to restore what was lost. The Devil has declared war on The Church, will YOU be content to embrace the dark smoke of Satan, or will you be a SOUL OF LIGHT??

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