Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17, St Hyacinth


Today is the feast of St Hyacinth, Dominican, received into the Order of Preachers by St Dominic himself.

Deus, qui nos beáti Hyacínthi Confessóris tui ánnua solemnitáte lætíficas : concéde propítius ; ut, cujus natalítia cólimus, étiam actiónes imitémur. Per Dóminum.

Let us pray.

O God, who makest us glad with the yearly feast of blessed Hyacinth thy Confessor : mercifully grant, that as we now observe his heavenly birthday, so we may follow him in all virtuous and godly living. Through.

Here is a special Dominican treat!

1 comment:

the Lang family said...

the Dominican House of Studies in DC, mentioned in this video, is still very beautiful. If you ever get to DC, go visit. They still chant the Solemn Salve every evening -- beautiful! There is a statue of the Blessed Virgin when you enter their chapel, and she is with child. One of the friars explained that this image of the Visitation is representative of the Dominican life -- to contemplate (ie -- to receive Christ, like in the Annunciation) and to hand on the fruits of contemplation (ie -- the Visitation -- Our Blessed Mother passing on the fruits of contemplation -- Christ himself -- to the world)... anyhow... very beautiful... good to see you tonight! come again soon!