Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It's been a while but I'm back!!

My friends, I am back and ready to continue sharing my thoughts, observations, etc with you.
We are now in Septuagesimatide (You know, preparation for Lent that V2 tried to do away with and hardly anyone in the NO has even heard of) And NOW is when we should begin preparing ourselves to follow Our Lord into the desert for 40 days.....

Last Sunday (sexagesima) we heard the Gospel and Parable of the sower and; as Our Lord described there are various surfaces into which His "seeds" may fall....... Use this time to deepen your penance, love suffering, and offering everything you do up to God..

I am learning a great lesson in this myself as I currently have very bad gallstones that require gallbladder surgery soon. The pain is beyond description however; Our Lord is allowing me to use this for Holy Souls and I am grateful that He is sharing this cross with me.......

May we all deepen our faith this Lent, and I'm happy to be back!!
May the hearts of Jesus and Mary reign in all souls!

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