Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Feast of St. Luke


Intervéniat pro nobis, quæsumus, Dómine, sanctus tuus Lucas Evangelista : qui crucis mortificatiónem jugiter in suo córpore, pro tui nóminis honóre, portávit. Per Dóminum.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

What you can do for Holy Tradition


My dear friends in Christ,

We Traditional Catholics get alot of flack for our defense of the Holy Faith as it has always been taught by Holy Mother Church. We are commonly speaking out in defense of THE Holy Mass of all ages, Traditional Sacraments, and the confusion and borderline Heresy that Vatican II espoused however; what can we do to actually change these things??? My answer is simple; in addition to holding fast to the True Faith I suggest that you actually sponsor someone into the Church......Go with them to the horrible RCIA classes and then invite them back to your home for an RCIA de-programming session if you will. Teach this Catechumen the whole unchanging truths of The Holy Faith and the Mass. By doing this we are rearing converts that:

1. Truly know their Faith
2. Can defend the unchanging Truth of the One Holy Church

My wife and I are sponsoring my best friend and his Fiancé into the Church this year and I ask for your prayers for them as they journey toward full communion in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church......

Below is a picture from today after Holy Mass: (On the left is my wife & on the right is Rosalie and her baby. We are sponsoring them this year)